Tackling Some SEO Myths

There’s a lot of information about SEO provided online. Some of it is extremely useful, but there’s also plenty of rubbish out there!

Here’s we take a look at some common myths and look to answer some important questions about SEO basics.

Myth: You need to stick lots of keywords into the META keywords tag

So what’s the situation here and why has this become accepted? It’s probably useful to start with a brief history lesson. In the early days of SEO, it certainly was true that your listed keywords had a significant role to play in gaining rankings.

In fact, they were one of the key ranking factors. Times have, however, changed.

The leading search engines have become more sophisticated and now use many more factors when identifying the value and relevance of sites. Over time, this has meant that META keywords have become less and less relevant. In effect, their strength (as a ranking factor) has been reduced.

So what’s the situation in 2012? The leading search engines no longer take this tag into account at all. It was simply too easy to manipulate and is now discounted. Some smaller search engines do still read this information, so META keywords should be entered (for completeness). They will not, however, be central to the success of your site.

Myth: Lots of links will produce great SEO results

Ah, the question of link building! The reality is that sites with lots of good quality, relevant backlinks tend to be rewarded with improved search engine positioning.

But the key words in that sentence were quality and relevant. If you’re concentrating on quantity, then things are unlikely to go according to plan.

Myth: Anyone can do SEO

The reality is that most leading SEO consultants have been working in this area for years. In order to compete successfully, that means that you’d need to have a substantial amount of knowledge.

This doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t do some things yourself. You need to be aware that it’s likely to take you longer to achieve results and that you’ll probably make a few mistakes along the way.

Myth: I should never provide links to other sites

The whole world of links seems to cause a lot of confusion. This is the case with outgoing links, just as it is with inbounds.

So should you link to other sites? If they are relevant and will be of interest to your own site visitors, then why not? They won’t damage your SEO approach and are likely to do a lot of good.

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The BBC and SEO

The BBC seem to be one of the organisations leading the way in the world of SEO. At least, you may often feel that it seems that way.

If you search for just about anything that has recently made the news, then there’s a fair chance that the BBC site will appear within the first page of the search engine results. That’s an enviable position for them to have gained, but what’s the explanation behind the level of success that they’ve achieved?

I thought it might be interesting to take a closer look at what they’ve been up to and the impact on search engine results.

Fresh content

One of our recent blog posts explored the subject of content, with the specific suggestion that content was critical to online success. It was also suggested, however, that the quality of the content is at least as important as the quantity of it.

The BBC provide a great example of this in action. With a massive dedicated team of journalists and writers available to them, they create new content on an hourly basis. That content is interesting, often newsworthy and well written.

This has numerous benefits, in SEO terms. That fresh content causes BBC website viewers to return to the site on a regular basis. That’s because they want to get information and news from such a trusted resource.

Those same individuals will discuss that content, both online and in the real world. This leads to yet more people visiting the site.

Although this sounds great, how is it helping their SEO efforts? The answer can be found in the fact that the main search engines monitor various metrics. They understand that the BBC website provides users with what they want and expect.

Since this is the case, Google et al know that providing BBC content within search engine results will also please their own users. As a result, the BBC has become accepted as an authority site.

Inbound links

The nature of the content and the profile of the site also means that it naturally attracts links from other websites, blogs and social media sources.

Who links to the BBC website? Well, almost anyone! Look on Twitter or Facebook on any given day and you’ll see thousands of new links pointing at the site, all from “normal” people. But journalists also choose to place links to the BBC, so you’ll see articles in the Guardian and Telegraph (for example) pointing to the site.

On-site SEO

So is it just a coincidence that the site does so well? Is it really a simple combination of good content and broad awareness of the site that allows it to obtain great positioning?

Well, those are key explanations, but the reality is that BBC employees also work hard to impress the search engines. There’s an article on the BBC blog that’s well worth reading:


As you can see, it was published in September. It explains how journalists are expected to have one eye on SEO when creating content.

When we put all of this together, we see that it’s no coincidence that all of those BBC pages get returned by the search engines. It’s all about good SEO.

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Life in Hampshire

As you’ll probably be aware, we’re based in Hampshire. It’s no coincidence that we should work from here, since we think it’s one of the best locations in the UK.

If you’ve never visited this beautiful county, then you’re really missing out! We thought it might be nice to offer a little guide to some of the great places to visit:


We’re based just outside the County Town of Winchester, so we may be a little biased, but we happen to think that this is one of the finest cities in England. A fair few kings have held that same opinion over the years too!

Associated with Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror and Henry VIII, it can sometimes feel like you are walking in the footsteps of historical giants. Although some parts of the city certainly retain an old-style charm, it would be wrong to suggest that the city lives in the past.

With a large number of great pubs, some fantastic restaurants and plenty of great walks nearby, there’s plenty to recommend when it comes to Winchester.

The New Forest

Down in the South West corner of the county is the New Forest, which is now a National Park. You may well already be aware of what’s on offer in this beautiful part of southern England. It can be busy during peak holiday months, but it’s often possible to find yourself a quiet spot.

We think it’s best to arrive early, to abandon the car and to make the most of the wonderful walks.


One of the two main cities in Hampshire (together with Southampton), Portsmouth is a city that will forever be linked with the Royal Navy. That presence remains to this day, but the Maritime Museum here provides links with the past. You’ll have the opportunity to see the Mary Rose, as well as Nelson’s flagship, HMS Victory.

Portsmouth has a modern centre, but some parts of the city haven’t changed so much since the days when Charles Dickens would have walked these streets.


As with Portsmouth, it often seems that Southampton has been made famous over the years by various forms of transport. The Titanic departed from the port at Southampton, which is today home to many of the world’s greatest cruise liners.

The first Spitfire also flew from close to Southampton and the Aviation Museum is a great reminder of the pioneering days of aviation.


Little more than a single main street, Stockbridge may not seem like the most obvious of places to feature on such a list. Other than being a pleasant place to spend a Sunday afternoon, it also boasts an incredible number of fantastic, independent food shops.

If you want to escape the supermarkets, then Stockbridge is a great place to head.

About Search South

We provide SEO Hampshire services, helping local businesses to succeed.

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Creating content for SEO purposes

We know that “content is king” when it comes to the world of SEO. How do we know this? Mainly because it’s something that’s constantly stated by people working within the SEO industry.

It’s also a statement, however, that seems to me to have contributed to an overload of poor quality information online. It seems that plenty of people are out there creating content, but is there really value associated with much of it? Sadly, it seems that there’s considerable room for improvement.

So let’s declare a starting point: I do believe that great content can enhance a site. As part of that process, it can contribute to the improved positioning of that site within the search engine results. In this sense, content must be seen as being a good thing.

So when do problems start to occur? For me, this starts to be an issue once content is being produced for SEO purposes. That’s when it’s possible to fall into the trap of creating endless pages of words, full of keywords, but rather lacking in…well…real content.

Does this mean that you should simply stop writing? I believe that this would be a mistake, but I do think that you need to start considering your target audience. Who are you really writing for? What are you aiming to get out of this process? More importantly, what will the reader gain?

The danger, as things stand, is that we may almost forget that such readers even exist. We struggle to resist the temptation of writing articles where the audiences consists of Google, Yahoo, Bing and the others. Those aren’t real audience members.

For my money, I think that the maximum SEO gain comes from writing interesting, original, relevant pieces. Aim to create items that will interest your readers and forget about the search engines. If you can gain enough interest, then those search engines will soon start to reward you with the positioning that you’re looking for.

Content will be at the very heart of any successful SEO strategy. That much has remained true for many years and is unlikely to change in the near future. But you need to be wary of writing for the sake of doing so. That’s unlikely to do your site, or your brand, much good.

Write articles when you have something to say and when you believe that others will want to hear it.

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SEO Hampshire Services

If you’re having SEO work carried out, then does it really matter where you chosen provider is located?

Given that we market our services for local businesses on many occasions, it’s safe to assume that we think that local knowledge really matters, but we would say that, wouldn’t we?!

The question is: why does it matter? Why is it more useful for a small business in Hampshire to use an SEO consultant in Winchester or Southampton, rather than looking for a suitable provider in Glasgow, or New Delhi?

This may even be a question that you’ve been asking, when you’ve been considering outsourcing such work. One of the first points that we would make is that there are often clear advantages associated with working with an SEO company who are based in the same country.

Primarily, this is likely to be about having a shared language and shared working hours. Communication is likely to be essential to the success of your project, so it makes sense to choose to work with a company that will be available to you.

It can also be seen that opting for a provider based within a few miles of your own office has similar advantages. If you need to meet, then the logistics are a lot easier.

These practicalities may catch the eye, but there are elements of the SEO process that mean that there are advantages to choosing a company based in Hampshire. In our case, we have built strong links with other local companies, suppliers and organisations.

If you wish to issue a Press Release (to take one example), then we’re well positioned to ensure that you’ll get plenty of local coverage. That means local people talking about you online too, which all helps to assist your Internet Marketing efforts.

So we believe that it’s best to choose a local SEO provider because that’s the best way to ensure that you get a great service and excellent results. If you want to risk outsourcing elsewhere, then it’s clear that there are risks attached to that decision.

What does become clear is that providing a good standard of online marketing is all about the quality of service – in some senses, price can prove to be something of a distraction. The focus should be on the results that will be produced as a result of your investment.

by Keith Barrett

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Top News Stories in the World of SEO

Part of our role here at Search South involves staying up to date with the latest SEO news and trends. You may not have spotted some of the biggest headlines of recent days, so here’s our guide to what’s big in SEO right now.

Google Shopping changes

If you’ve missed the big news in this area, then you may not be aware that Google Shopping is about to change significantly. Many online retailers have been used to the fact that free Google Shopping listings bring in visitors and sales.

Until this point in time, this has all been free – but change is coming.

As might be expected, any change to this system is likely to cause some concern, as is reported over at Search Engine Land.

We’re quite surprised to see them reporting that the reaction has been relatively balanced – we’d expect a bit more negativity surrounding the announcement.

Negative SEO: protecting your site

Google’s Penguin changes have caused quite a stir and some are suggesting that they herald the return of negative SEO – this is the idea that competitors can damage your search engine rankings.

So can you protect your site from this problem? Over at SEO News, they have a detailed discussion of this issue.

Link building from scratch

Julie Joyce (over at Search Engine Watch) considers how you should be approaching link building, whether you’re building a new website, or looking to recover from a penalty.

We reckon that it’s an interesting list, as a talking point at least. Do we agree with everything on there? No, but when do SEO consultants every agree on anything?!

Google and small businesses

How well do Google work with small, local businesses? In recent times, it has seemed like a number of algorithm changes have been to the benefit of big brands.

According to a report at Search Engine Journal, Google are keen to capture greater market share in this area. Will this work well for them? In some senses, it seems to be an attempt to re-market existing products, so we’ll wait and see.


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SEO and the Public Sector

Does the Public Sector need to get involved in the world of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)? That’s an interesting question to ask, at a time when the priority within the UK appears to be to cut spending in many areas.

Without delving into the history of those cutbacks are occurring, it’s worth considering whether SEO is an area where public finances should ever be invested. There has been investment in this area in the past – is it right that search engine marketing should be somewhere near the bottom of the pile, in terms of spending priorities?

The answer to this would appear to be a definite “yes!” After all, most people would agree that government spending should concentrate on core areas. In particular, we might wish to focus on elements of “delivery.”

It can be argued that this means:

  • Having more doctors and nurses working within the NHS
  • Ensuring that there are more police officers out on the streets, maintaining a visible presence
  • Attracting qualified individuals to the teaching profession and ensuring that we limit the amount of time that they spend on bureaucracy

Those above points would appear to many people as being “common sense.” There’s little evidence in there of anything that is likely to prove particularly unpopular. The idea that we need better health professionals, police officers and teachers is common ground for many politicians. It’s also frequently argued that they should be left to get on with their core jobs.

Raising the profile of the Public Sector

But it’s also true, of course, that public money is spent on a wide range of other functions. There are some that many people would agree with and there undoubtedly must be a few that would cause widespread concern.

How much do we know about Public Sector spending or activities? How much do we really want to know? This is something that’s certainly interesting to consider. How many of us really understand the work carried out by local government workers, for instance?

Do we know the difference between work that’s carried out by a County Council and that which is undertaken by a District Council? If we want these organisations to tell us more about the work that they are doing, then we clearly need to accept that some sort of budget should be made available for the task.

It’s then a question of how that budget is spent. Do we expect them to spend money attracting television or newspaper coverage? There may be elements of work that aren’t considered “interesting enough” to reach out in this way. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the work is unimportant.

With increasing Internet usage, the idea of taking prime positioning within the search engines does make some sense. It could be said that this would represent an attempt to reach out to tax-payers, without the need for active engagement on the part of the latter.

Ultimately, this must be about all of us. Do we care how public money is spent? Are we interested in finding out more? Do we expect to find this information via search engines? If not, how should such information be made available?

This seems to be a subject that has not attracted an enormous amount of attention. Maybe it should.

With thanks to Mark Pack, who wrote an article on this subject in 2010 and provided the inspiration for us to think about this in more detail.

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Keeping up with Google

It would be lovely to ignore Google sometimes. Indeed, this is something that can work well for some business owners, but it’s not a risk that many can afford to take.

The reality is that Google dominates the search engine scene here in the UK. With more than 85% of searches being conducted on this single search engine, it’s clear that ignoring its existence will only lead to less traffic for your site. That doesn’t mean, of course, that it can’t be frustrating at times.

Even working full-time within the SEO industry, we find that we’re constantly fighting to learn about the latest changes. It doesn’t help that there’s a certain lack of transparency here: we wouldn’t expect Google to offer details of all the changes that are being made; by the same token, it’s clear that different agencies will have their own views on the latest changes.

The good news for our clients is that we’ve been carrying out this sort of work for many years. Does this mean that we’re immune to the odd Panda or Penguin? Of course not, but it does mean that we’re in a strong position to be able to react.

Sometimes we simply have to accept that changes will continue to occur. Google doesn’t present a stable, settled view of the world. If you wait for it to do so, you may find that it will take a long time before you get the results that you’re looking for.

The best advice that we give is to say that you should concentrate on what your users really want. If you maintain that sense of focus, then you’ll find that Google and the other search engines will reward you with plenty more visitors. After all, they want to provide what people are looking for.

If you read the numerous forums that are available online, then you’ll find that there’s plenty of speculation. Some sources of information are of pretty questionable quality.

Keep concentrating on that user experience. You won’t go far wrong.

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Keyword Targeting: Broad Aims

In the world of SEO, it’s amazing how frequently you’ll hear people talking about “dominating” a particular market or sector. Is this something that’s possible to achieve for a small business?

The answer to that question rather depends upon your idea of what a market or sector actually consists of. If you have a small business that primarily targets customers within an area that’s local to you, then it may well be realistic for you to take a dominant position within that geographical space. It’s likely to be much harder for you to take on competitors on a national or international level.

But you may be in a fortunate position. You may have identified a real niche area. You may even have “first mover advantage”, allowing you to strike before others have realised that there are possibilities.

As can be seen, it would be wrong to imagine that the same process will work for all businesses. When keyword research is being carried out, it’s absolutely critical that it should reflect realistic aims and possibilities.

There’s often a temptation to aim big. The thought process here may suggest that you’ll still gain something, even if you miss the main target. Although this is an approach that may pay dividends, it would be unwise to assume that it will work for you. In fact, it may make more sense to try and take control of a smaller niche as a first step. That should give you a first building block.

What is clear is that good quality keyword research is vital to the success of any SEO project. Without it, there’s a strong chance that your optimisation approach will not produce the hoped-for results.

We would suggest that the keyword research phase needs to be a two-way conversation between the digital maketing agency and the client.

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Internet Marketing for Small Business

When we’re tackling small business Internet marketing, how do things differ when compared to the campaigns that we run for larger businesses? There are actually more similarities than differences.

We apply the same processes and approaches, but we’re clearly very aware of the budget that’s available. It means that we’re always looking to provide value for money.

In order to get the best returns for the client, it’s critical that we’re able to identify a suitable range of target keywords at the outset of the project. We know that there’s no point chasing “big terms” if that simply means that our clients’ sites will be buried in the search engine rankings.

Instead, we focus on the sort of search terms (keywords) that represent niche opportunities. Experience dictates that this is a approach that can pay dividends.

In order to carry out this exercise correctly, it’s important that we’re able to discuss the client’s needs in full. This means having a conversation about the nature of the business and the future goals. We understand that the online marketing campaign will play an important role, but we also know that it’s part of a broader picture.

Without a firm understanding of the overall requirements, we believe that it’s impossible to produce the quality results that are expected. We aim to help all of our clients to get more sales online, rather than simply aiming for more website visitors.

We encourage performance measurement and provide a full range of reports. The entire process is fully transparent.

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